Module - Presentation


In our final meeting, you are invited to make a short 3-5 minute presentation of your artist practice. Presentations will be timed. The presentation of images will be centralized. During the zoom, when it is your turn to present, your name will appear on the screen. The clock will start when you say "Next Slide." As you present, say next slide to advance to the next image. After the presentation, we will have time for feedback from the group.Here's how to go about preparing your presentation:

Step 1

Identify six images that represent different areas of your practice:

These images may be artwork or photographs.

Step 2

Identify 1-2 ideas that explain each of the different areas of your practice. Write a sentence or two about each.

Step 3

Practice your presentation. Remember to start the presentation by telling us who you are. End the presentation with a goal for your Artist Practice, where you want to take it next.

Step 4

Submit your presentation: If you want to present, email six images to before Midnight EST on Wednesday, 24 January. Label the images "1-YOUR NAME". The subject of the email should be "Collage in Practice: YOUR NAME". If you choose not to present, send Chris Byrne a message in Slack to let him know.